It has been one month since tindie went live.
I can’t thank everyone enough for such a great start and exciting
future. Because the site was started with a public question on reddit,
it seems only fitting to keep it open and public with what has happened
and where the site is going.
Some data from the first month:
- $646 went to makers. Amazing!
- 28,970 unique visitors
- 131,950 pageviews
- Press: Make, Wired, Hackady, Ponoko, Treehugger, and a few more
New features since the last email:
- Forums
- Private Inbox & messaging between users
- New Settings: Twitter account, URL, & User photos
This has been such a fantastic start. You have made this community
special. The gadgets created, comments, and discussions have been great.
However there is one more thing…
In talking to people, there is a problem that 2 groups have, but share a
commmon solution.
- Sellers that want to list an item, but do not know how many orders
they will get & how many parts to order. - Builders want to order a part, but it makes more sense to order in
bulk rather than a single piece.
Both of these occasions need a system for pre-ordering. That is the next
big feature coming to tindie.
It’s called Starter\
Allow people to post a gadget or part that must reach a certain number
of orders in a period of time before everyone is charged. If the listing
doesn’t reach the predefined level, then no one is charged.
This will allow more gadgets to be posted without the overhead of a
single order while also helping builders access parts in a pool rather
than pay higher prices individually.
I’m starting to build this feature now, but would love to hear your
feedback here:
Thank you all again, and I know we, as a group, can’t wait to see what
you build next.
Here’s to the crazy ones,