When you were a kid you (hopefully) learned to tell time on an analog clock and thought that challenge was over. If, however, you would like something new to wrap your head around, this model allows you to quite literally read the time as digital numbers. The colored LEDs denote the hours, minutes, and seconds, all in a series of bits.
Although it looks great in bamboo as shown above, you can also buy this kit without a cover, giving you the freedom to come up with the mounting setup of your choosing. You can even order the board assembled if you’d rather not bother with soldering. For a preview of what’s involved in making one, build instructions can be found here.
If a “normal” binary clock isn’t quite exotic enough, seller Apple Mountain has several other options, including a “flip dot” clock, a Martian time clock, and lots of other LED goodies for your enjoyment. Check out the video below of this type of clock in action, this time all in red!