If you’ve ever played about with a WS2812B LED strip, you’ll know the wiring tends to get a bit messy when you add in a microcontroller with the data and power cables hooked up. For things like art installations, a bulky microcontroller board can really get in the way and is difficult to hide. The ChromaTab solves this problem by integrating a microcontroller onto a PCB that is the same width as the LED strip itself. The board is also designed to be soldered straight on to the edge of the strip so you’ll hardly even notice it’s there. The board fits on to the end of a strip like so:
Once you have the ChromaTab soldered in place, all that is needed is to apply power to the other end of the strip! This was started by Hackaday.io user danjhamer last year, and all the details are up on the project page.