So you’d like to make a project involving a microcontroller. Many of us, myself included, would probably consider an Arduino of some type. Attach it to your project’s breadboard and be done with it. The Arduino takes up a certain amount of area on the board, which is the price you pay for the convenience of using this ecosystem.
Perhaps you’ve never thought about it, but if your Arduino was held vertically instead of flat on a breadboard, it would spare you quite a bit of area on your board. It’s an interesting idea, but where would you start? The good news is that Clovis Fritzen has already taken on this this project for you, and sells a vertically oriented Arduino Nano-compatible PCB for you to simply solder all the components on.
If you’ve always started with a dev board of some sort, that might sound understandably intimidating. On the other hand, the form factor is really interesting and the writeup on makes it look pretty approachable. Maybe this would be a great gateway into building your own dev boards!
This product is one of several Hackaday prize projects available on Tindie!