Today’s interesting device comes to us from none other than “NODE,” or “N-O-D-E,” who in true hacker fashion prefers to keep his true identity a mystery. We can surmise that he is indeed male, and perhaps hails from somewhere in the British Isles.
Regardless of personal details, his original handheld Linux terminal is a beautiful piece of portable engineering, featuring a Raspberry Pi A+ along with a 2.8″ touchscreen and a 500mAh battery. All of this is housed in two 2.5 inch hard drive enclosures that fold together to make a Nintendo DS-style portable that acts as a tiny terminal.
Of course this little terminal wasn’t the end of his experiments, and he made something quite similar seen in the image directly above, and in this video. He even followed it up with a third device, seen in the video below, using a sliding keyboard and a Raspberry Pi Zero W, forgoing the clamshell design.
So how does this tie in with Tindie? Well another clue to Node’s identity is that he’s at least heard of Tindie, stating that he may use a larger screen, such as this one listed here, in a future version. Though he didn’t actually use that screen in his second or third version, perhaps what he listed will pop up in a future version of one of his builds!
Find Tindie products or references in the “wild?” Hit up Tindie’s Twitter handle to let us know!