The Enigma Machine, an encryption device famously used by the German military in World War II, has been the subject of much intrigue, producing documentaries and works of fiction based around it and the efforts to break its code. Given this fascination, a favorite project has been to come up with modern Enigma simulators. But rarely do they have the level of finish found on this Arduino Enigma device.
The device in question was inspired by another Android-based simulator, and while both do nominally the same thing, this makes for a great item that can be taken around and demonstrated. With its laser-cut wooden case, it even strives to resemble the original’s design.
Taking things one step further, you can now also get an External Lamp Field attachment (seen below), inspired by the Swiss-K variant of the machine that made its appearance before WWII. When connected, this disables the display on your Arduino simulator, and displays characters via a series of physical letters that light up. As it uses a USB connector to interface with the main Arduino unit, it would also likely work with other Enigma simulators, provided you’re able to tweak the source code.
For that matter, it looks like an interesting fixture for any sort of text display. Perhaps it could inspire or even be adapted to your own design!