Yes, you read that headline correctly, with this kit you can build a device that allows you to suspend particles in the air using only acoustic waves. You may have seen various versions of this device by researcher Asier Marzo pop up, including this one that looks sort of like a magic wand on Hackaday. The levitator available here uses two opposed arrays of transducers to control not one, but several particles at the same time, including liquids if you so desire.
While instructions on how to build one are available, making your own includes procuring a large number of ultrasonic transducers, as well as printing the assembly. If you’d rather skip these steps and go straight to assembly, now you can get an acoustic levitation kit! As for what all the fuss is about, check out this video with Physics Girl where she makes and tests her own.
It’s certainly an amazing device, and the fact that you can get all the parts for it in one place makes it much more accessible. The kit is produced by Makerfabs with Marzo’s permission.