A smart practice when creating a custom PCB is to add a SWD programming header to the board for programming and debugging purposes. The Model C version of the PogoProg is designed for use with 4-pin, 1.27 mm pitch headers that utilize SWDIO, SWDCLK, VDD, and GND pins.
That being said, it’s also useable with any 4 signal lines, so long as the pitch is compatible. If you work on a lot of custom projects, then you know how difficult it is to get by with make-shift programmers. A product designed for this purpose is exactly what motivated the makers at Electronut Labs to create the PogoProg.
This relatively inexpensive solution will also save you a great deal in the long-term, as sourcing pogo pins in small quantities can quickly add up. Instead, this device offers a pre-soldered option that won’t break the bank.