We all remember the first time we released the “magic smoke” due to an error on our part. While it may be a funny story now, one fellow Tindarian accidentally released it from their amateur radio that used the diode/fuse method of protection. All of this, and they were 15 miles from civilization.
With no spare fuse in sight, that one mistake where they hooked it up backwards put them in quite a precarious situation. Fortunately, this inspired them to make something better and thus the Reverse Polarity Protection board was born.
You can place the RPP board into a small radio or any other piece of equipment. It uses the P-MOSFET method, which allows it to act as an open circuit when the polarity is backwards. It also offers much less loss than a diode when the polarity is forward. There’s even a red and green LED to indicate when your polarity is correct or reverse.
There are several variations to choose from, ranging from a fully assembled kit, to just the parts. We all make mistakes, but with this board, at least we don’t have to pay for that magic smoke.