There’s something inherently satisfying about taking vintage hardware and dragging it, kicking and screaming, into the modern age. It requires ingenuity and more than a little finesse, but it’s ultimately a worthy effort.
Case and point: older computers like the Amiga, Amstrad, Acorn, BBC, Apple, Atari, and Commodore all lack the ability to access the internet via WiFi. With Retro WiFi SI, you can remedy this in any retro computer with a serial port or rs232.
In addition to the hardware here, you’ll just need a terminal emulator which will allow you to type in the AT commands and connect to a nearby router. So, how does it work?
Think of the Retro WiFi SI as a pre-assembled kit with an ESP8266 board, a serial MAX3232 interface, a custom 3D-printed case, and pre-flashed firmware. The goal was to create a cheaper and more open-source alternative to the other options out there. Looking at this, I’d say mission accomplished!