It’s a fairly safe assumption that if you’re reading this, you enjoy robotics to some extent. You may even be a fan of the Terminator series, or at least the machines involved. While this RoboSkull Badge from TeHyBug isn’t a Terminator badge per se, more of a Terminator with a bit of Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz thrown in, you’ll appreciate it’s fun style, and characteristic RGB blinking eyeball that evokes a bit of cinematic techno-nostalgia.
The blinking eyeball is, in fact a single RGB LED, controlled by an ATtiny13 microcontroller. Two buttons are available to adjust brightness, as well as switch between 10 standard glowing modes. A power switch is provided, but accommodations for the power source will need to be made by the user, and kept at 5V or below. Solder pads are available for reprogramming, so you can still get it to do your bidding if the available options don’t suit your style.
It was made as a light to attach to TeHyBug’s backpack so that cars could recognize someone walking along a dark road, and it certainly seems like it would do that in style. PCBs are available in red, black,and blue to suit your personal preference!