If there’s one thing we’ve all lost at one time or another, it’s the remote. As a kid, I remember my parents always asking where the TV remote got off too, and it was often in obscure places. To this day, I still find myself wandering the living room at night hunting down that illusive piece of hardware.
One thing I’ve never lost track of, however, is my smartphone. For many of us, these devices might as well be attached to our hands. If you find yourself without a remote for your smart TV, or you want to use your computer away from the desk, MyTeletouch offers an interesting solution.
This simple USB dongle plugs into your computer or smart TV and then pairs it to your smartphone via Bluetooth. All you need beyond the hardware is a free app which is available on Android, iOS, and Windows app stores.
Once you’ve made the connection, you can switch seamlessly between mouse, keyboard, and joystick functionality right on your phone. While there are still some kinks to work out in the software side of things, the video below shows that it’s working pretty well!