SAOs have taken on a life of their own in the badgelife phenomenon. I have seen my fair share of brilliant and artistic designs, but this one is truly diabolical.
I am, of course, referring to the ATtiny85 Capture The Flag SAO Challenge. As you can surmise from the name, it runs on an ATtiny85 and communicates via I2C.
To finish the challenge, you’ll need to complete four milestones. It begins with turning on the LED connected to pin PB1. From there, you’ll need to find the “flag,” which is a string embedded in the firmware.
Next, persist code that will blink the LED to the ATtiny’s flash, and finally replace the flag with your own name (without bricking the firmware in the process).
That may sound easy, but there are a few more rules. For starters, you can’t reprogram the ATtiny. You’re only permitted to upload the firmware if you brick it. You cannot use debugWIRE, and your solution has to be repeatable, which requires you to explain how it works.
According to the creator, the ATtiny85 datasheet will also come in handy, along with the on-board reset button. Care to take on the challenge?