If you’re building a Eurorack modular synthesiser, you’ll know you always need more methods of creating novel voltage ramps. Using the CP7 Eurorack Mixer, you can combine and attenuate up to 7 input signals to create your own interesting and complex control shapes!
Inspired by the current electronics shortage, the CP7 arrives fully assembled and is 100% analogue! It comprises of a smart-looking solid black Eurorack compatible faceplate, a PCB circuit board, eight 3.5mm jacks, and eight attenuating knobs. There are no microcontrollers to be seen here – just the pure analogue goodness of transistors, resistors, and capacitors.
Below 50% gain, this device acts as a brilliant control voltage mixer – but where it starts to get awesome is in hearing the sweet sounds of analogue clipping as you raise the gain even further. This functionality means your sounds can be made much louder, and allows for experimentation with some gnarly analogue harmonics! The included master volume knob attenuates all of these signals at once to easily control your sound.
ATS are an independent company based out of Pennsylvania in the United States. They are relatively new to Tindie and aim to create cool electronic music products for the brilliant synth DIY community! Check out their Tindie storefront!