Making an LED cube at home is pretty doable if you stick to 4x4x4 or 5x5x5, but making the leap to 8x8x8 presents a pretty big jump in complexity. Depending on the construction of the cube, it is way more difficult to find faults and fix them, especially if an LED right in the middle happens to blow. The jolliCube made by JolliFactory is a modular based design which makes it really easy to deconstruct the cube into 8×8 layers to replace any blown LEDs or troubleshoot any problems that arise.
Another cool feature of the cube is that it’s not tied to any particular microcontroller, the entire thing is controlled via SPI. The jolliCube’s driver board is a set of eight MAX7219 LED display drivers. Just hook up SPI to these boards, and a 5V power supply to get it up and running. Some example code is provided on the documentation page with very cool visual effects for your cube as well as build instructions. This looks like a fun kit to spend an afternoon putting together that will also look great in your house or office! Check out this video of the jolliCube in action: