If you’re a fan of Star Wars, and happen to check out Ken.Do’s store, the first thing that will likely grab your attention is the “Deathstar-like Yo-yo”. Ken.Do recounts: “My son wanted a yo-yo. I made him a yo-yo.” Now you can have this 3D-printed yo-yo as well for $12 plus shipping. It’s really a clever design, and I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen something like this mass-produced.
The rest of this store features some really cool stuff as well, including a hexapod robotic platform, as well as several quadcopter designs. The most unique of these is his Flying Ship robotics platform seen in the video below.
This robotics platform can float as well, with a sectioned hull that should survive some damage without sinking. The ship’s designer built this because he lives on a Pacific island surrounded by water, and has been experimenting with sonar mapping. Naturally something like this makes a great platform for these types of endeavors.