OSHCHIP combines an ARM cortex M0 processor and a Bluetooth Low Energy radio on a tiny PCB that is breadboard compatible. This board is great for those looking to get a start in ARM development especially since it comes with great documentation showing you how to hook everything up and some example code that you can compile yourself using the mbed online compiler.
The ARM processor and radio are combined into a single Nordic Semi nRF51822. The ARM processor runs at 16MHz and has 256Kb of Flash and 32Kb of SRAM. The radio included is a multi-protocol 2.4GHz compatible device. It works with the famous NRF24L series chips as well as supporting Bluetooth Low Energy (AKA Bluetooth Smart).
The OSHCHIP comes with 3 on board LEDs, a 10 bit ADC, and 14 GPIO pins to play with. The chip is programmed using the SWD (Serial Wire Debug) protocol. There is a SWD programmer available from OSHCHIP that is compatible with the Keil IDE and gives you some nice debugging options like breakpoints, examining memory, stepping through code etc.