If you’re a light-skinned individual, you may have noticed that if you stay outside too long you get a sunburn. Though painful and inconvenient in the short-term, it can lead to more serious problems later, namely skin cancer. To help combat this, Xlabs is designed a UV monitor that tells you exactly how much sunlight is falling on your body. After all, you do need some sun exposure to remain healthy, but it can add up fast!
In addition to measuring UV rays, this badge also monitors temperature, barometric pressure (which can be set up to tell your relative altitude), and humidity. It charts all of these values in 30-minute increments over the last 12 hours, allowing you to observe trends. This could help you decide when to go to the beach on your next outing according to how much sun you’ll get, or even if there’s a change in pressure foreshadowing poor weather.
In addition to all of this, it can be reprogrammed if you want to change something, and you can play a Pacman-like game with it if you’re bored. You can see it in action in the video below, or check out its development as a Hackaday Prize “Best Product” finalist.