As a consumer, you have many choices for what to put on your wall. You could go with a poster, painting, or college diploma, but if you want something that shows off your discerning taste to the wold, while providing you with temporal information, there is hardly a better choice than this LED clock.
Perhaps that is an exaggeration, but this clock, which ships from Austria, does look pretty neat. Time is displayed by an LED ring with 60 segments covered by a piece of frosted acrylic, and everything is held together with its 3D-printed frame. Importantly, the clock can sense ambient light and adjust its brightness, so if you are trying to sleep with it in the room, it will hopefully not be too distracting.
You can see it in action in the video below, though it’s likely difficult to discern just how it looks in real life, given the difficult nature of recording LEDs in action.