The various flavors of Raspberry Pi are great for all kinds of projects, from constructing a custom arcade machine to driving a remote sensor array. One of the things that can be a bit tough is making connections with the GPIO header when prototyping. You can spend a lot of time hunting down a jumper wire accidentally connected to the wrong pin.
For an all-in-one solution to this problem the EveLab 1.0 presents an excellent option that breaks out all those pins and labels them for easy connections. It features a breadboarding area, as well as a high-quality connector for the GPIO ribbon cable header from the Raspberry Pi. In addition to this, it has a number of pre-grounded components like LEDs, switches, and potentiometers so that you can hook things up using only a single jumper wire. It was designed as a durable classroom trainer, so these boards could be used in an education setting as well as for your own personal experimentation.
In addition to the breadboard assembly, this device comes with 2 GPIO ribbon cables to connect to a number of Raspberry Pi models, along with 20 jumper cables. Just add your own Raspberry Pi and you’re ready to go!