I’ve always been one to distrust the thermostat in my home. What if the temperature in the bedroom is different from the kitchen? The TeHyBug is a temperature Wifi tracker that can be used in a variety of scenarios since it comes in several different hardware options.
Shown above is a module track the temperature in a freshwater fish tank. Other options include temperature, pressure, and humidity, all reporting their readings via your WiFi network. Data is tracked at set intervals and sent to the TeHyBug Server.
You can also configure TeHyBug to relay the data to your own Raspberry Pi web server. The data can be viewed in a graph that tracks the temperature daily or hourly. Monitor changes in your fish tank, fridge, basement, server room, or anywhere else you can think of within your network.
In testing, a single 3.7 volt 18650 LiPo-Cell lasted over six months. Your mileage will vary based on data sending frequency and the battery type. Batteries are not included. The temperature tracking range is between -55 and 125 degrees Celsius.
The fish tank temperature variation uses a stainless steel packaged waterproof DS18b20 temperature sensor. The WiFi temperature tracker comes soldered and ready to use, along with instructions to get started. A preinstalled code allows you to set everything up by using a configuration web page that will give you the choice of connecting to the TeHyBug data server, or your own web host.