Makers should be proud of their work. It takes a lot of time, patience, and skill to create some of the amazing things found on Tindie. To help tell the world that you’re a maker, Nikodem is selling the Maker Badge Kit.
This kit comes with a PCB and almost 100 LEDs that create a sign which proclaims “I Make Stuff.” A project like this is perfect for beginners who are trying to build up their electronics and soldering skills.
Nikodem walks us through the thought process behind this kit on the store page. What began as a 3D printed project soon evolved into something that speaks more to the maker skillset, hence the decision to utilize a PCB and LEDs.
The kit comes with 100 red LEDs, six 10 Ohm resistors, a switch, and a breakaway header. It’s the perfect way to tell the world that you are indeed a maker.