There’s a lot of choices to be made these days when it comes to picking out which microcontroller and development board you might choose to tinker with and learn on. Arduino based boards and projects represent a great option with their mature environment and there massive user community and collection of online resources. If you want to bypass a pure Arduino board you could always jump straight to an Arduino-based project. A good example could be the Wizzard Game Development platform.
The Wizzard has an ATmega328p on board, the same chip at the heart of many Arduino boards. The ATmega328P is programmable on the Wizzard via the 6-pin ICSP connector; the board just uses the USB port for power. The Wizzard has 9 NeoPixels on board, with each NeoPixel having an associated momentary switch. Across the bottom of the device there are 3 other momentary buttons for select, enter and reset and there is a small onboard buzzer for simple audio output.
Included on the Wizzard are numerous game examples: Tic Tac Toe, Simon Says, and other simple games that use the buttons and the NeoPixels. Each example is written in the Arduino IDE and the code is available on the project repository linked from the product page. One thing we love is that there is an STL for a printable cover for the device, and the cover uses the manufacturers’ panel edges which, when left on the Wizzard, create a simple way to attach the cover. Quite genius!