In a world of `in the box` musicians and producers, tactile control over music making often gets overlooked in favour of track pads. The VLRM PRJCT ROT8.x is here to put control back at the heart of your mix, bringing the essential creative interaction which formed music of the past. It’s a rock solid configurable MIDI controller, featuring high quality knobs capable of outputting numerous types of musical data to your software setup.
The VLRM PRJCT ROT8.x comes in an aluminium enclosure, with 32 knobs outputting 7bit MIDI data via an Arduino, able to send control changes, program changes, pitch bends and more. It delivers expansive and expressive control over your daw, synths, drum machines and effects units – controlling filters, distortion units and effects sends with typeof control you don’t have with a mouse or trackpad. Finding the sweet spot is a lot easier now!
The VLRM PRJCT ROT8.x features USB power and MIDI learn, meaning you can send MIDI to it and assign a knob to send that data from the device! Of course, the VLRM PRJCT ROT8.x can control other types of software too, for light shows, VJing and any application which receives MIDI messages.
It comes fully assembled from Germany, made by Velorum Project and measures 220 x 165 x 35mm.
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