The latest revision of the Teensy board is v3.2 at the time of writing (although the still pin-compatible 3.5 and 3.6 are on their way). The 3.2 board has a MK20DX256VLH7 Cortex-M4 processor at its core which runs at 72MHz and has a DAC and two ADCs. With the plentiful amount of libraries written for it, all you need is some add-on hardware boards to add some extra capability to your Teensy. Whether you want to run a motor, connect to WiFi, make a datalogger, or run off battery power, you can be sure that somebody somewhere has made an add-on to suit your needs.
LiPo Battery Charger Add-On:
When prototyping a project that runs on battery power, you need to able to switch between mains power and battery power easily. Otherwise you’ll find yourself wasting time looking for batteries or waiting for them to charge. This LiPo add-on for the Teensy lets you run off any USB power source and charge the battery while at your bench. When the time comes for testing out in the field, just unplug the USB cable and walk out the door!
H-Bridge Motor Driver Add-On:

Doing something as simple as driving some motors can get quite messy in terms of wiring. That is unless you have a neatly packaged h-bridge driver board that will sit on top of your Teensy. The driver chips on the board are four of the DRV8837 ICs made by Texas Instruments. This tiny chip gives you up to 1.8A of supply current and allows four modes of control for the motors. These modes are forward, reverse, coast, and break. Motor speed can be controlled via PWM.
nRF24L01+ Add-On:

If you were to combine this add-on with the previous two, you would have a wireless, battery-powered, motor driving beast. It would pretty much be a wireless robot at that point. This NRF add-on board sits atop the Teensy and talks with it via the SPI port. There is a ton of example code floating about so it will be relatively easy to get this thing up and running. All without messy wires because it is soldered right on to the Teensy.
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