We’ve all run into it at some point: you’re on a videoconference or phone call, and suddenly you click the wrong thing or hit the wrong button and music starts playing or a YouTube video blares out. You quickly try and turn it down or hit the mute button, but in your haste, you can’t quite remember what the mute hotkey is! Well, having a physical volume mixer like the Deej can be handy in these situations. Simply slide the master volume to zero, and bam — no more noise!
Or perhaps you’re a gamer, and you’re playing with some friends online when the music in the game suddenly gets really intense and loud, and you can barely hear what anyone is saying. You can’t open the menu to turn the audio down because you’re in the heat of battle! Again, the Deej is a great solution: turn Discord up, or turn the game audio down with a quick flick of a slider.
Physical mixers, often called volume controls, help mix together disparate audio sources that likely have different output gain settings. Since the earliest sound cards were released, these have been modelled in software, sometimes actually controlling the hardware but usually just modifying the audio stream on the fly. Having a hardware mixer is something not many people think of, but once you have one, you’ll quickly realise how useful it is. If you do anything with live audio on your computer (say, broadcasting to an internet radio station, or streaming video games), a physical mixer is invaluable.
This kit comes with your choice of black, blue, or white fader knobs, and soldering it together should be a quick job for anyone with soldering experience. Even a relative newcomer could do it, with just the Arduino Nano headers and the five slide potentiometers needing to be soldered to the board. The 3D printed case isn’t included, but the STL files are freely available, and this gives you the opportunity to modify it to make it your own!
So far, it looks like it only supports Windows, but as the software is written in Go, it should be possible to port to Linux or Mac without too much hassle. If you’ve ever wanted a simple mixer, this is a great option, and you help support a brand-new Tindie seller!